Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hey guys!

Hey, I know I just came back to this blog but I might not post too much this week as I leave for hawaii really soon (like in a few hours) and I have never been before so I'm really excited but I don't want to be posting 24/7 because I have so many plans and I'm gonna be busy a lot but after it's over or maybe during the vacation, I'll upload a few pics! Thanks for understanding! I love you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Reviewing fashion (Episode 1)

ok so this is a new series I'm gonna start on this blog, I'm currently writing this on an iPad because my mac is having technical difficulties, thats also why i haven't uploaded recently. Once this is fixed, my videos will be back to a regular schedule (one every other week, sometimes every week, depending on amount of schoolwork) Anyways, this series i will review the "contestants" (aka outfits or pieces of clothing) and decide which one i like better and talk about the pros and cons, where to wear it, where you can buy it (if i can find them as some either aren't for sale or I cant find them as i saw them on another blog), etc. Without further ado.....

Reviewing fashion Episode 1:

Helloooooo and welcome to episode 1 of Reviewing Fashion, Im your host Elysia (aka Ellybean60) but you can call me Elly because..... Well i dont have a good reason for that other then the fact that I have been called Elly for as as long as I remember. Anyways time to get started...

First up we have...
This happens to be one of my favorite outfits of all time! Its girly, cute, a little bit flirty, and SUPER stylish. tbh if i had one outfit i had to wear for the rest of my life, it would probably be this one! I mean who doesn't love a comfy sweater, pearls, cute girly skater skirt, and chic cutout shoes? And the coral lipstick color and gold watch really bring this outfit together! I would recommend wearing this to school, walking around the city, or even on a date (I'm 13 and awkward so I cant recommend wearing this on a date, based on personal experience, but it seems like a cute and flirty outfit to wear, so why not?)   

Next we have...
So, what do you guys think about the barbie trend? I personally love this trend because unlike the unrealistic plastic doll itself, it is based on her name in itself or just the idea of her. Im glad that barbie is coming back, in fashion, because I feel like it will bring back many childhood memories and keeping "younger fashionistas" in check with the childhood they should have (aka not getting their first iphone at the age of 5) filled with dolls or dressing up or sports or roleplay or whatever you were into when you were 5. While i dislike the negative impact these dolls have on girls of such a young age, i still like this new barbie trend (two words: comfy sweaters) and think while it may be controversial, it is still very cute. 

Coming up next we have...

Plaid... I know this is an entire outfit, but this seems to portray how most have accomplished the plaid look. To be specific im talking about plaid skirts. Plaid skirts? tennis sneakers? Chokers (not shown here, I know)? Are we in the 90s? While i love plaid skirts and am currrently trying to conquer this risky challenge (you know how hard it is to wear something that nobody else would dare to in school) i dont know how i feel about this outfit... I wasn't born in the 90s so maybe it's just that im not used to these kind of clothes but... I dont know, I kinda wish there was a different approach for the plaid skirt comeback, I do really like the chokers though! 

Next we have...
LEATHER! Lately its been all about the leather, leather this, leather that. Its cute, dont get me wrong but ive yet to figure out how to wear a leather shirt, in reality. On the runway there are no rules, and while there aren't any OFFICIAL rules in everyday fashion, sometimes its harder to conquer bold pieces like this. I realky like leather skirts and leggings and just picked up a new leather skirt a few weeks ago.  How would YOU wear this?

Okay, almost finished, next we have...
I dont know what to call this (i know, what kind of designer doesn't know these kind of things? Sorry! Ive never worked with things like this before and i can never find out the name for this when i look it up)  while I dont know what to call this, all i know is I LOVE IT! It's bold, but not too bold for me to wear it to school, plus ive been seeing it everywhere *Trend Forecast Results: Highly Likely To Be The Next Big Thing* I saw it A LOT at fashion week and hope to see more of it in the spring fashion week in NYC. Would you wear this? I certainly would!

Last but certainly not least, we have...

EYELASH KNIT SWEATERS! They're making a comeback! Finally! They weren't really popular last year and I missed their intense comfort! These are possibly the most comfy things in the universe and if you don't own one, you should! Most aren't that expensive so their affordable AND comfortable!?! What more could you ask for? You can wear these with pretty much anything, over a dress or skirt to dress it up, with leggings or jeans to dress it down, or even with pajama pants for a netflix marathon with friends! Try to think of something they wouldn't look good with! Pretty impossible, right?

Ok so that concludes this episode of Reviewing fashion (all photos came from google images or              ( ) thanks for reading and tune in next week for episode 2!

Have any suggestions? Comment down below and I just might use it... 😉 



HEY GUYS! SORRY I HAVE BEEN INACTIVE ON HERE! I promise im back and better than ever ;) ok so first post will be uploaded shortly...